What to expect this week in the gym?


We are keeping the intensity high as we get closer to the CrossFit Open! All the movements and skill work are in the mix now!

Below you’ll find a recap of main principle training methods in this cycle:

Last week we discussed 3 top reasons why at CHALKBOX we apply Tempo Training:

  1. Improved Quality of Movement:

  2. Reduced Risk of Injury

  3. Improved Strength Gains

The benefits of Interval Weight Training (IWT) are clear:

“Short-term intense interval training is highly effective in altering the ratio of lean body mass to fat without compromising muscle mass.” Pat O’Shea

We combine 8-10 reps of an explosive lift with up to 2 minutes of max-effort on a cardio machine or ‘simple’ multi-compound movement. The goal is to create enough oxygen demand to spike your heart rate into (close to) 90-95% max heart rate zone. It will feel for everyone different, some of you will make it too easy and some too hard. So it might require some trial and error to figure out how to benefit from this potent format!

Tempo Training is part of our [BUILD+MOVE] and [HEAVY DAYS] sessions. IWT [SWEAT+SPRINT] is part of our Keep an eye out!


  • MONDAY -  [SWEAT+SPRINT] Pick your partner wisely 😍

  • TUESDAY - [BUIILD+MOVE] Deadlifts followed by Open Practise WOD

  • WEDNESDAY - [SWEAT+SPRINT] From Single Unders to Double Unders followed by bodyweight Tabata!

  • THURSDAY -  [SWEAT+SPRINT] Hand release push-ups and spicy 20min EMOM

  • FRIDAY - [HEAVY DAY]  Front Squats & Bench Press

  • SATURDAY - [BUIILD+MOVE] Practise Handstand Push-Ups and holding a pace

  • SUNDAY - [SWEAT+GRIND] Pull up strength then Team of 3 Calorie Burn 😅  before brunch 🥐


  • TUESDAY [BUTT CLUB]- Nathan's surprise?

  • WEDNESDAY & SUNDAY [Barbell Club] - As strong as Jay!

  • FRIDAY [BENCHMARK] - Prep for CF Open 2022

To help you to navigate your week of fitness, we’ve added the following 4 workout types to the description of our Workout of the Day (WOD) and CHALKFIGHT.

[SWEAT - GRIND/SPRINT] Cardio intensive workout that doesn't require prior weightlifting experience but does require a willingness to work hard! The focus is on dumbbell, kettlebell, cardio and bodyweight movements. 

[HEAVY DAY] Is a lifting workout consisting of small sets, most often in the range of 1 - 8 reps. These workouts build top-end strength and power. Often we pair these with assistance exercises to address weaknesses or a spicy metcon.

[BUILD+MOVE] Constantly varied workouts, incorporating strength and work capacity cycles. Never a boring workout.

[BENCHMARK] Every time you repeat the workout, you can directly compare your progress, which helps you see growth—or spot weaknesses so you can correct them. All movements can be modified, loads scaled. Any questions? Please feel free to reach out to us!