When we break down that wall...

Things are developing at a fast pace..... Spring is at our doorstep and so is the extension of our box. So when we break down that wall and connect the two premises together what can you expect:

  • More classes on the schedule, we will trial with some different set ups. Perhaps a Rowing class only, what about Strong Man classes or beginners Barbell. Our ideas are endless
  • New equipment... more Rowers and Bikes (oh yes!). Prowlers and even Ski Ergs are on the wish list
  • A coffee corner. Yes we have noticed that you guys love to socialise, why not not grab a coffee and a protein bar to fuel you body post wod and share those stories
  • We might have to close to box for a couple of days to get it ready for you to use it again. We will tell you inadvance
  • Any ideas - shoot us an email. 

