WODDER of the Month

Meet Stefano

Stefano started at ChalkBox in July 2017. He works hard in every session and he has made progress from day one. We always look forward to Stefano’s birthday as instead of bringing the standard cakes he brings in Prosecco and Italian snacks :) Stefano is a big example to many in our gym.

We asked Stefano some questions and this is what he answered:

“It has been difficult the first few months but now every challenge is welcome; I used to get nervous when I first joined but now I do my best every time and I am always happy with what I achieve.”

“It has been a pleasure and I met a lot of nice people in the box; I also have to say a special thanks to all the coaches, new ones and the ones gone, special thank to Agnes and Isk and a mention to Nathan always very attentive on my activity.”


“I also have to mention that It has been an injury free period for me, more to the point I have had for the last few years a growing pain on my right shoulder that seems to have gone since I built up some muscles.”

“My body shape has changed and I lost a lot of extra-fat. I did not lose any weight though, that is absolutely ok with me” .

What activities did you do before you started CrossFit at ChalkBox?I used to go to the better body shop, occasionally run or cycle”  

Why did you start CrossFit?I got a 10 day pass from my wife Wieb for my birthday” 

How was your first session compared to now? “very different, a bit nervous and i did not know most of the movements which I do now” 

What is the hardest bit of CrossFit for you? And what do you enjoy the most? “The hardest bit is probably an overhead squat, what I enjoy the most is getting better” 

What is your biggest achievement so far since you started at Chalkbox? “my first kipping pull up and my pb on a deadlift” 

What does your family think of your new love for CrossFit?mixed feelings, happy for me but not happy about neglecting my family life “

Is it correct that you are jumping on high boxes and lifting heavy weights and reached the age over 50?I do jump ok and I am becoming stronger with weights that is true, also true that I am just 54 years old “

What has changed for you since you started at ChalkBox? and what is your next goal? “I feel much  much much better , even if I am more tired I have lots of energy, my next goal is my first straight pull up and my first overhead push up”.

I am a people person and I love to chat with people.

“I also love that I am the ONLY Italian at the box “

Stefano we love having you in the Box and we can’t wait for you to do that first strict pull up!
