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What's new on the Chalk board?

Here we go...1Q2017 update:


  • Our Social Event on Saturday 7th 7-11pm in Sevenoaks. Sofar 40 have registered, there's still space left. Stuck with your partner, they are welcome to!  BOOK IN 
  • CrossFit Open 2017 registration start Jan 12th. As a box we are participating in this competition. Read more about it HERE
  • If you are serious to continue to work on your health and shape the Change Challenge is starting Jan 23rd. Our proven Change program is running again after several requests. We are updating it after the last challenge. Expect an email shortly with more details.
  • Testing week Jan 23rd - Jan 31st. Your opportunity to check out where you are on your fitness yourney.
  • Goal Setting Feb 1st -3rd. We use 3 days to define your fitness goals. More details on how this works will follow.
  • CrossFit Open starts Feb 23rd - ends March 27th
  • Mother's Day BBQ March 26th
  • Dirty Rotten Scramble in Penshurst May 7th. We got a team of 20 participating. It is not too late to if you want to join:


Team name: Chalkbox

Discount code: CHALKBOX15

Start time: first heat, Penshurst



You have made a lot of progress in developing your aerobic capacity and Olympic Lifting skills. A key area to work on continues to be the squat, overhead strength and metabolic flexibility. This translate into a Snatch and Rowing as main movements for this cycle. Breaking it down into the functional movements we will working on the Pull Up, Back & Overhead Squats and Hinges.

In this cycle there will be more sessions focused on Barbell skills for beginners & advanced members, a strength squat cycle is back, a pull up strength cycle is new and we are zooming in to rowing technique.

To train our aerobic capacity we will work on our different path ways and use our strength & conditioning program to strengthen metabolic flexibility. There's tons of info on the internet so please do your own research but have a read of below:

What is metabolic flexibility? 

In summary it is going to be a busy first 3 months of the year!