Holiday Schedule

The holiday season is officially here!

We have started to count down to Christmas.

Here a few dates for your diary:

Last Class of 2021: Friday 14th December 9:30am

Closed on bank holidays: 25th December - 29th December

Drop in WOD together: 29th December & 30 December 11am (just join in, no need to register)

New Years Eve WOD together: 31st December 11am (just drop in, no need to register)

Closed on Bank holidays: January 1st - January 4th

Your coaches are working on a backup plan in case we have a lockdown in the first week of January, which we will notify you about if necessary, and we are planning a FUN challenge for all members for the first two weeks of January!

We also have HomeFit sessions which you can find on BoxMate every day for when you like to burn some extra calories on the Bank Holidays

Have a great Christmas!