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Yoke Carries & Walks: Why we are doing them

Loaded carries (and the unlimited variations) are among the best total body strength, core stabilization, and “Game-Changing” movements you can do to gain muscle, get stronger, and move better.

Why Do Loaded Carries?

Load carries offer us a great deal of benefits, specifically to further develop strength, athleticism, and injury prevention.

Increase Muscle Mass

Loaded carries can stress muscular hypertrophy and hormonal adaptations due to increased time spent under load, also know as Time Under Tension (TUT). Loaded carries allow us the opportunity to stress the entire body as a whole, while either carrying heavier loads briefly, or moderate loads for prolonged periods of time, both of which can induce structural loading and stressors for growth.

Ignite the Central Nervous System

The ability to train the central nervous system (CNS) while using loaded walks and carries can pay huge dividends when training maximal strength and power. By developing one’s capacity to not overshoot their nervous system when they may step under a heavy load, they will be more apt to fire and recruit more muscle fibers at once, increasing force output. The ability to train the CNS will not only increase strength and power at near maximal loads, but will also allow lifters to gain needed experience bracing, breathing, and developing tension under progressively heavier loads as they progress in their development.

Develop Stronger Stabilizers

Core, hip, and spinal stability play a large role in movement efficiency, strength performance, and injury prevention. Loaded carries and walks help to develop thick core musculature, increased awareness and stabilization of the spine and supporting muscles and tissues, and allow coaches and athletes to teach strong, stable open-chained (as opposed to closed-chain, open-chain simulates more athletics and life) movement.

Serious Grip, Back, and Core Strength

Grip, back, and core strength can all be expected to blossom when you take heavy loads for a walk. Increasing grip and back strength will allow you to train harder, heavier, and more often, all recipes for maximal strength, power, and muscular growth.