290916 Space to Sweat / Aerobic Base Training

Your workout for today is:

Teams of 2 - AMRAP 20:

1 Calorie Row, 1 Burpee Box Jump (24"/20")
2 Calorie Row, 2 Burpee Box Jump (24"/20")
3 Calorie Row, 3 Burpee Box Jump (24"/20")

Partner 1 completes the first round, 1 Calorie and 1 BBJ.
Partner 2 then does the same, 1 Calorie and 1 BBJ.
Partner 1 completes 2 Calories + 2 BBJ, and tags it back to Partner 2 for the same.
Continue completing full rounds and adding (1) repetition to each movement until time is called

If you are brave grab the Assault Bike instead of the Rower :-)