What's new on the Chalk Board?
“Wow what a busy month! The Change Challenge has started, we had a weekend of Kids, Teens and adults competitions. The bikes arrived, we played around with sand bags and more. October will kick off with a bang as The Games Week is on our doorstep. We hope you are enjoying our fitness community”
What's new on the Chalk Board?
How to keep track of all updates?
We don't want to overload you with tons of emails and posts therefore we have created several ways for you to keep up to date with what is happening in the ChalkBox Community
First of all you should subscribe to our daily WOD email. Everyday we publish the WOD for the next day so you know what you coming. You can subscribe by filling out your email at sign up form bottom of the page. If you have liked our main Face Book Page you can find the WOD on there as well. Finally if you are an Apple iPhone fan we have recently created a channel on Apple News. Read more here how to connect: WE ARE NOW ON APPLE NEWS!
Secondly all hot of the press news, commentary, tips and pictures will be shared in our private Face Book Group Chalk It.
Lastly you can find all information on our website. A usefull page is Workouts at Chalkbox.
Have you met our new coaches Laure & Matt yet?
ChalkBox is a CrossFit gym located in Sevenoaks
ChalkBox is a CrossFit gym located in SevenoaksChalkBox is a CrossFit gym located in Sevenoaks
We are very happy to have Laure and Matt as new additions to our team. Laure is currently taking care of the Tuesday sessions whilst Matt will start from next week on Thursday. Both are accomplished CrossFit coaches and are looking forward to get to know the community better.
Ways to get your Kids active again!
ChalkBox is a CrossFit gym located in Sevenoaks
Have you have ever done the musical med ball game or tick tack toe with mini resistance bands? Sounds fun right even for adults?! That's exactly the key to success to have your children developing their gross motor skills, stamina and strength. Read here why Coach Agnes started with CrossFit Kids
Building work has started....Yes we are going to extend. There will be 80m2 added to the box. We hope the new extension will be ready start of 2017. There might be some minor disruption to our box apologies in advance!
Other news on the Chalk Board:
How are 25 Change Challengers getting on? READ HERE
Have you tried Barbell Club with Jason Summers? READ HERE
Are you recovering?
Working hard in a WOD is only leading to better fitness if you take good care of your receovery. Read here about How to recover after training.
ChalkBox is a CrossFit gym located in Sevenoaks