Borrowing CHALKBOX Kit


We have lots of equipment and if you don’t “bulk buy” :) there should be enough for everyone!


The workouts programmed will be using the equipment below. We will make sure that there are plenty of alternatives how to use the equipment.

For example, if the workout is For Time 100 squats depending on what you have at home it could be air squats, sandbag squats, goblet squats, plate squats, jumping squats etc. The Coach on duty will be able to guide you to what works for you.


Before you choose your equipment I’d like you to think about what you can use it for. If you choose a heavy kettlebell and only can use it for a Deadlift, and maybe some goblet squats you will miss out on a lot of other movements.

So again think what you can use a Kettlebell, Dumbbell, Bumper Plate and Sandbag for:

Squats, presses, cleans, snatches, burpees over, weighted runs, sit-ups, GTOH, Russian twists, plank taps, lunges, box/chair step-ups, single-leg deadlift, Bulgarian splits and most likely much more…

So choose a weight you can do all of these movements with. A weight might be light for some of the movements but if you up the reps and speed, you up the intensity. Again the coach on duty will guide you. We will be doing a lot more strength endurance and conditioning in the coming weeks :-)


To start off with you can only pick ONE item (eg 1 x Dumbbell) as we are trying to accommodate everyone. If it turns out that we have plenty left then we will reach out again.

  • Sand Bags

  • Kettlebells/Dumbbells

  • Wall Balls

  • Abmats

  • Small Boxes

  • Bumper Plates

  • Bands

  • Rowers


In the link below you will find a spreadsheet with our kit list.

  1. This is for MEMBERS only and we need to have your card on file

  2. Choose up to THREE preferences and add your name.

  3. In addition, you can add your name against the rowers. We will draw 4 names.

  4. Coaches review the sheet.

  5. Pick up date will be mid-week as we are waiting for sandbags to be delivered


  1. We advise you when to pick up as we don’t want a mass gathering

  2. You have to sign a receipt for your kit

  3. When we ask you to return your kit you got 48hrs

  4. Damage will be charged at replacement cost

  5. For the rowers we ask £100 deposit