The CrossFit Open is coming.....but what does it mean for you?

Community Fitness at its best:

We can imagine if you are new to ChalkBox asking yourself what's this fuzz all about? is our most important community event. From the end of Feb throughout March every week a workout will be released by CrossFit HQ. Every CrossFitter on the planet will attempt this workout..well almost every CrossFitter. Did you know that CrossFit is the quickest growing sport and there are now more than 13,000 boxes and still going? 

As a box we will be participating and create ChalkBox Open Teams! Everyone will be divided in a team and as a team you will take on the workouts suffering together. You can earn your team points by:

1. Giving every WOD a go

2. Bring snacks to support your team and others 

3. Take pictures of your team in action and post them

4. Make the most noise when you support your team


Every team will be led by a team captain which is a Coach. The team captains will be guiding you through these 5 weeks. They will do the WODs themselves and suffer with you. Lead with tips how to have a fun time and collect points etc. As these are virtual teams he or she might not always be there to cheer you on in the box however in spirit they will be with you!

Some excuses we hear often:

I am not fit enough to participate!

The workouts are just like any regular WOD we do. Not participating will definitely not get you fitter. 

I cannot do most of the movements!

Everything is scalable, just like in a regular WOD

I don't know some of the other members!

Get to know each other and forge friends for life

I will miss a few workouts and will let my team down!

You will have the opportunity to do it during Open Gym to catch up with the rest and the vibe in your team will make sure that you stay on track with your fitness.

I am not competitive. I just want to be fit.

Nobody cares if you finish first or last. Get over it. It is about fun. Nothing else.

I will never be strongest or fittest in the gym.

It is not a character fault. It is just fitness, not a matter of life or dead.