Get ready for the CF Open!

Lets smash the Open this year!

An other year, an other CF Open.

At CHALKBOX we like to use the CF Open as a FUN community event but we have members who like to compete in the official competition and the CHALKBOX coaches are ready to help!

Both Coach Katie and Coach Laura have freed up time to help you where needed.

Katie and Laura both have competition experience and can help you tick the boxes you might still be missing. Have you got a toe-to-bar but you can’t link them yet? Can you do a pull up but kipping is not working yet. Do you need practise in the Handstand Push Ups or do you like to work on your lifting technique.

By linking just a bit more TTB’s or getting that pull up in, you will jump the athlete ranking

You can book both Laura and Katie for 30min sessions and you can share PT sessions with your friend.

Lets work on ticking those boxes and let’s smash it!

You can contact Laura and Katie directly to book them in.