More CF Open 2017 experiences

Meet Matt

Matt is one of the ChalkBox coaches. Matt started at Chalkbox at the end of 2016 after he moved from to Kent from Ireland. Before coaching at ChalkBox Matt used to coach CrossFit in Northern Ireland and has a passion for the sport.

This year Matt has competed in the CrossFit open 2017 and this is his experience:

"This has been my 4th year doing the open, the main reason I like to take part is to see where I stack up compared to the rest of the world in CrossFit in my age category. The CF open is also a great 5 weeks experience at the box! A nice competitive atmosphere but also the community really comes together in a special way as we suffer together 😀"

Meet Glen

Glen has started CrossFit at ChalkBox only 6 months ago. Since joining ChalkBox we have seen Glen jumping from strength to strength. Glen's dedication for fitness helped him progress very quickly and consistently. Glen is a joy to have at the Box and he works hard every session. Here is what Glen likes to share about his CF Open experience:

"My reason for entering The Games was to give myself something to aim for. It was every bit as tough as I expected. Everyone of us has strengths and weaknesses and it's good to see how you fair against like minded people.  After 6 months of Crossfit it has given me a benchmark to smash next year😀"

Well done Matt and Glen! We can't wait to see what this year will add to your general fitness and how even better you will be in 2018!

We are not your regular walk in gym, boot camp or body transformation program you have tried. We coach CrossFit in our top of the range facility delivering excellence in functional fitness. We offer small group coaching sessions to help each individual to full fill their fitness goals.