More members and their CF Open experience

Meet Herman

Herman has been competing in the CF Open 2017 competition. This is a competition which you can do in your local CrossFit gym and you add your score in an online system. This score will be added to the list of scores against the rest of the CrossFit world.

Herman shared his experience of the CF Open 2017 with us:

"I participated in this years Open because I want to be a good role model for my kids and I also wanted to see how my fitness stack up against my peer group in Europe. The CF open was an amazing experience and the workouts was a true test of fitness. The CF open is a great measure on how much your fitness improved in the last year and where you can improve more! I finished in the top 20% fittest in my peer group, but the more important correlate was that I made many new friends during the process. I can't wait for 2018!"

Meet Ryan

Ryan also has been competing in the CF Open 2017 competition. Ryan is a very dedicated athlete at Chalkbox who next to following our CrossFit program also follows a strength program and practises a lot of gymnastics at the Box. Ryan is a great athlete in performance but also in stimulating the rest of the Chalkbox members. Here is his experience of the CF Open:

"Having returned to crossfit training after an 8 month absence and with a solid 6 months of training completed since joining chalkbox the crossfit games provided an excellent opportunity for me to measure my performance and fitness against the global crossfit community whilst also taking me out of my comfort zone and pushing myself both mentally and physically to a level beyond that of the standard everyday training. 

Across the 5 open workouts I am more than happy with how I performed, managing to RX all Wods whilst achieving some Pb's for Weight v's Rep ratios. The  beauty of such a competition is that it identifies weaknesses and areas where further work and development is required. It also brings everyone together as a team and the support and encouragement witnesses throughout the 5 weeks was something I have never experienced before. It was incredible to see and be part of. Thanks to all of the coaches, in particular Isk who helped me through some of the tougher wods with some top class advice and words when I felt like giving up!"

Well done Herman and Ryan! You both did well and made your coaches proud :)
