**NEW** Novice Fitness Sessions to get back into shape

If you're a beginner looking to get started on the road to get fitter, stronger and leaner, this is your best place to start. Here's an easy-to-follow plan for fast results.

I remember how hard is was to get back into the gym after having had 3 children and having put my fitness on hold for 5 years. Possibly the most intimidating thing for any beginner is simply getting started onto the path of healthy eating and proper exercise. Once you're over that hump and an action plan is in place, then the results will kick in. Our team of devoted coaches will make it their priority to help you succeed.

The primary goal you want to focus on at this point is fitness and fat loss. You might have some desire to also work on building your muscular strength, but that will come down the road once you've stripped off the extra layers you've packed on over the years and are starting to feel leaner. You want a plan that's going to be easy to follow and will get you results quickly.

As we all remember our first time back in the gym we have created Fitness sessions at Novice level. Anyone, at any age and any leave can join. We like to encourage anyone who likes to get fit and healthy to join us. All our sessions are coached sessions in small groups where we constantly focus on your movement and progress. 

Every Monday and Wednesday 12pm-1pm starting February 6th

Stop waisting your time thinking of starting working-out again. Book your free trial and start now!

For more information on how we can help you contact Agnes. (agnes@crossfitchalkbox.com)

Your road to a fitter, stronger and healthier version of yourself starts by clicking here!