130117 Workouts That Work | Functional Movements 2/6

Your workout for today is:

Movement & Skills: Presses & Lunges

A) EMOMx24

1min Strict Press x 6 @70% of your 1RM

2min KB front rack lunges 6/6

3+4 min Land mine row tempo 5-3-0-0


B) Pull Up Program 10 to 15minutes

For beginners
Choose 1 out of the 3 options below to work on
A) Toenail pull ups or chin ups from the Barbell
5-5-5 (rest as needed between sets)
B) Negatives from pull up bar
Jump up with chin over the bar, then go down to straight arm position in 5 seconds
Repeat part B 3 times rest as needed in between.
C) Barbell Bicep Curls
6-6-6 (rest as needed between sets)

For members who can do 1 pull up or more pick A) or B)
A) Barbell Bicep Curls

B) Strict Pull up program
If this goes well then next time 2-1-1, if this goes well then 2-2-1, 2-2-2, 3-2-2 and so on. Only move on if you managed full strict pull ups without kipping

For advanced members
A) Strict Chest to Bar program

If this goes well then next time 2-1-1, if this goes well then 2-2-1, 2-2-2, 3-2-2 and so on. Only move on if you managed full strict chest to bar without kipping