New Year - New Goals

As the New Year creeps upon us, we may well take a look back at 2019 and consider how we have progressed as CHALKERS throughout the year. We will probably think about our highlights and achievements and start to think about what we would like to accomplish in 2020.

The start of the New Year is the perfect opportunity to set some “New Year’s Fitness Goals”. Our New Year’s Fitness goal might be to increase reps of a skill we have only just mastered, it may be to increase weight or even improve our times of certain workouts. However I’m sure we’ve all made and broken New Year’s resolutions and goals in the past, so how can we make sure we continue to work at our New Year’s Fitness goal?

A 2020 Goals Board

We will be having a 2020 Goals Board at CHALKBOX where each member can get their name on with their Fitness goal for 2020. This goal can be anything you want to work towards. Once the goal is achieved, a coach can tick off the goal and write the date when it was completed.


Choosing your goal can be quite difficult, especially if you think you’ve got many areas of weakness! It is worth remembering that research shows that people are more likely to work towards and achieve moderate to hard goals compared to one that is too easy or too difficult. Therefore try to pick a goal which is challenging but not impossible. Bear in mind that you have a year to work at your goal and in that time your body can make many adaptations, so pick an ambitious goal to stretch yourself! The most valuable guideline is to pick a goal that you really want to achieve, the desire to be able to do something you’ve always wanted to do is a strong motivating force and will make it feel even more satisfying when you achieve it.

The beauty of the 2020 Goals Board is that if others are aware of our goals then we are much more likely to work towards our target because we want others to see us as successful, well-motivated athletes. If no-one is aware of a goal that we have set then it is easy to skip training sessions and let our enthusiasm fizzle out because nobody will know we have failed. By having other members take an interest in our progress it makes us more accountable and therefore we are much more likely to honor our commitment.

Whilst the coaches and other members of the gym will help and motivate us towards our goal, ultimately the onus is on us to put in the time and effort that is required to achieve our goal for 2020.

So let’s start reflecting back on an awesome 2019 and let’s get our wish list for 2020!