The benefits of a personal trainer

Working out with a group such as our WOD or ChalkFit Classes has a lot of benefits. However, sometimes the need arises for a more personal touch, you may need some encouragement and motivation.

Personal Training is perfect for those that;

  • have a specific fitness goal that requires you do extra practise and coaching.

  • working through a past injury that requires to get some individual attention.

  • know that group classes aren’t for them, but appreciate the accountability and motivation from a personal trainer or coach

No matter what your reasons are for working with a personal trainer, there are few things that you should look for in a personal trainer when you’re getting started.

Here are three things that defines a good personal trainer:

  • Assesses your personal goals:

A good personal trainer won’t take you through a workout until they understand your personal fitness goals. A personal trainer can also help you define your goals. Also a personal trainer will dig deeper into your life style. What do you eat, how many hours do you sleep, how high are your stress levels. These are all important factors that influence your health and fitness progress.

Once a personal trainer has a clear understanding about you, they’ll be able to help you get the results you are after.

  • Coaches you through a customised workout:

A good personal trainer designs each one of your workouts with your unique goals in mind. A personal training session is not the time for you to be self-sufficient.

Good personal trainers will continually coach you through a workout, and makes sure changes are made to technique while you train.

  • Tracks your progress:

A good personal trainer has a method in place to track your progress.

Having a workout history helps a personal trainer chart your progress over time and refine your training plan based on what you’ve accomplished.

This record should drive your future training just as much as the goals you’ve set for yourself.

All our Personal Trainers at ChalkFit Training follow these 3 simple steps to make sure you get the best possible experience of Personal Training.

If you’re interested in learning more about how personal training can benefit you or someone you know make sure you get in contact today via