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On the Fourth Day of CrossFit my coaches gave to me

On the First Day of CrossFit my coaches gave to me: Partner WOD Rowing Cindy

On the Second Day of CrossFit my coaches my coaches gave to me: ARNIE

On the Third Day of CrossFit my coaches gave to me: FRAN

On the Fourth Day of CrossFit my coaches gave to me.....

Okay this isn’t a Girls or Hero WOD but a variation of a well known workout one of your coaches very much likes. You have to go hard and fast every single time. Your work rest ratio is 1:2 it might feel too short but this time you have to suck it up and just work. Don’t let your team down.


In team of 3 :


7 KB Swings 32/24 kg

7/5 cal Bike

7 Burpees

team mates complete full round before swap