The Plan To Stay Fit: HomeFit Schedule & Kit to borrow

We have had our trial run for our HomeFit sessions.

When you go to the gym, you go to a place to sweat and to train. Your home environment is very different and therefore it can be very hard to keep going at home.

That is why online classes are a success: Every time when you struggle or slow down you still have a coach to support you and to keep you going. We also have got a good view of what you are doing and can correct your movements where needed.

So now we have tried it, discovered it works well its time to roll out our new HomeFit schedule.

You can borrow equipment

Next to that CHALKBOX will lend out equipment to members who are doing the workouts from home.

We won’t agree to a return date as at the moment all is very unclear. We do ask all members to return the equipment within 48 hours after we ask you to return all. As soon as life gets back to normality we like to get the box going asap.

We will send a separate spreadsheet for you to fill out.

Our new schedule until further notice:

HomeFit Schedule