Posts tagged programming
Time to push on: Develop Your Skills


CrossFit is an effective way to get fit. Anyone can do it. All the movements we do in CrossFit are universal in their ability to improve your performance. The workouts are structured so both beginners and experienced members can train safely and effectively. For a beginner, we often reduce the total reps, weight, rounds or distance, or eliminate the clock. For more advanced athletes we also provide scaling up options.

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Time to push on


CrossFit is an effective way to get fit. Anyone can do it. All the movements we do in CrossFit are universal in their ability to improve your performance. The workouts are structured so both beginners and experienced athletes can train safely and effectively. For a beginner we often reduce the total reps, weight, rounds or distance, or eliminate the clock. For more advanced athletes we also provide scaling up options.

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Now what?

We’ve all been exactly where you are. It takes some serious guts to walk into our doors! Not because CrossFit is scary or hard… but because you made the decision that you wanted to get healthier, stronger, faster, or lose some weight. We all commend the courage it takes to get to the gym for the first time. Good on you!

Now, here’s what you need to know.

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