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The CHALKBOX Pain Clinic February 24th

The CHALKBOX Pain Clinic

The approaches that we’ve pioneered at CHALKBOX have come about from being dedicated to building an intimate understanding human body and of how each muscle works; and more importantly, how it doesn’t.

When? Coach Alan will be leading the Lower Back / Hip clinic on Monday evenings 8pm for 6 weeks starting February 24th

Why? Many chiropractors and physical therapists do not see the full picture of their clients. They spend 30min - 1 hour with their clients on the massage table and do all standard alignments to get their clients back in place. They repeat this for some weeks and you can move freely again.

What they miss in the full picture, is not assessing where it went wrong, so after several months their clients are back again for the same adjustments. In the CHALKBOX Pain Clinics we like to get to the source of your pain. Pain often comes from bad posture and bad movement. As Alan sees you move in high-intensity exercises on a daily basis he will form a picture of how you move. He will come up with a plan to correct your posture, to give you the tools to constantly keep working on your movement and to make sure your injuries won’t return.

How? Before you start the Pain Clinic you will fill out a form with your injuries/pains. You will be asked several questions so we can get a good picture of what hurts and when and what kind of treatment you have had in the past. We keep the Pain Clinics to a maximum of 6 people as we will make this an individual program that will help you. We will do some movement assessments, Mobility exercises, Movement drills and more.

Added Value? The CHALKBOX Pain Clinic is aimed to help you understand your body. How should you use your joints and muscles and where do you go wrong. You might not be completely pain-free after the 6 weeks course but you will have all the tools to fix your body and to make sure your pains do NOT return. Instead of booking a chiropractor every so many months you can focus on working hard in the gym, getting stronger and continue to do your movement exercises. This course is aimed to teach you how you use your body and how you stay injury-free. We will add a follow-up meeting after 3 months to answer any questions and go through certain exercises again. And obviously you will see Alan on a weekly basis so you can always pick his brain if you still have some questions after your course.

Cost? £180 for 6 weeks.

We are aware some of our members like to do this course but cannot attend evening sessions. We might add sessions during the day as well and we will repeat this course in future months for members on the waiting list.

Please fill out the form below if you are interested in the pain Clinic or if you have questions. If you have already filled out the form you don’t have to do this again, your names are already on top of our list.


See this form in the original post