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WEEK AT THE GYM 04.11.2019

New On The Chalkboard

The grand final of the Bar Fight is this Friday! We are picking up a lot of banter and sounds like we will finish the Open with a big bang. The power of the community is amazing….I am sure you all agree.

You will notice that we are changing our social media presence. We love to use action shoots made by you. Tag @crossfitchalkboxsevenoaks and use #builtbychalkbox. You can also send pics to use and we will use them.

Featured Blog Post

See this gallery in the original post

Training Focus This Week

What to expect this week?

It is week 5 of 6 weeks cycle, short and sweet zooming in on Skills, Drills, metabolic conditioning and key Strength work. There will also be an additional focus on mobility and drills to regain full range of motion in your movements.

The week will be set up with Bar Fight Night in mind - which we treat as a Benchmark workout. So here it goes:

  • Mondays are Open Workout Prep Days. On the menu will be a Open workout. The coach will take you through Workout Strategy, warm up & drills followed by “Games style workouts”

  • Tuesdays are classic Strength Work sessions. Your chance to work on some of your weaknesses!

    * Note that Mondays and Tuesdays alternate *

  • Wednesdays are Mobility & Interval Sessions Days. A good chunk of the hour will be spend on mobility and regaining full range of motion drills. The interval sessions are elegant, simple and brutal :-)

  • Thursdays are Skill Practise Days. Longer, slower paced workouts with plenty of skill work. This one is ideal to perfect your technique or need a low intensity workout to prep yourself before Bar Fight Night!

  • Fridays are Bar Fight Nights. If you are in the morning class don’t worry you will be left out of all the fun :-). It will be the same workout as Bar Fight Night.

  • Saturdays are Fun & Active Recovery Days. On this day we truly mix things up, we get you body moving, blood flowing, work on mobility, listen to goo dtunes and have fun. This workout is to speed up recovery quickly after a hard week of training!



Strength: Next couple of weeks will all about unilateral movements using less barbell and more Kettlebells and Dumbbells.


Threshold: 2x 12min AMRAP. If you feel fresh go hard and fast. Beginner go slow and get used to the intensity



Strength: Building in different positions. Starting of with Box Squats followed by interval conditioning.

Butt Club

Its all about the B….


Strength: Working on upper body strength. Focus on movement and technique



Mobility & Intervals: mobility drills & interval Row


Strength and skill: Working on a heavy squat. Make sure you note your sore as we will repeat this next week

Barbell Club

High Hang Snatches , Snatch Dead lifts, Complex of snatch and Deadlift



Skills & Drills: 30minute alternating EMOM. Keep on practising your gymnastic skills


Endurance: Bike, Row and Burpees…. Beginners go slow and if the cal are too hard just go to the amount that works for you





Functional Strength: today is focus on activating your muscles.



Team Fun & Active Recovery Day: Depends on Friday



Team Fun

Barbell Club

Hang snatches, Power snatches , Complex of both