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This week at the gym!

Ready for next week?


Are you all ready for Memorial Day workout Murph? On Saturday we did “Running Cindy” which could be a great way to scale Murph is if you feel the workout too hard. Murph is a workout every CrossFitter should have done at least once! So make sure you book in for Saturday and give it a try. If you have been following our program in the last 3 weeks, you will be ready to join!

If you like to try to RX this workout, get yourself a weighted vest!

We are starting a new program this week. During this cycle, we will be using a double progression method to increase our strength in the back squat, deadlift and strict press.

The progression works like this. Week 1 we perform 3 sets of 6 reps for each movement. The goal is to ad 1 rep to that same weight each week. Once we can perform 3 sets of 8 with that weight, we deload, bump up the weight and get after it again!

Coming week Barbell Club will be on Wednesday evening and Saturday morning


  • MONDAY -[BUILD & GRIND] Back squat followed by |Pull Ups and Lunges

  • TUESDAY [[SWEAT & GRIND] Power Snatches followed by Kettlebell Swings and Gymnastics

  • WEDNESDAY [BUILD & GRIND] Deadlifts followed by Box jumps and Wallballs

  • THURSDAY - [SWEAT & SPRINT] A team WOD with Bike, Cleans and Squats

  • FRIDAY -[[BUILD & GRIND] Strict Press followed by  Running, TTB and Jerks


  • SUNDAY [SWAT & SPRINT] Team WOD with Bike, Slamballs and Snatches


  • We will be organising a 5k run soon, this means you will see more running in our workouts to prepare for this. Try not to avoid running, challenge yourself and give it a go!