This week at the gym!

Ready for next week?

We are getting close to our 1RM this week

This is our last week before we hit our max. So make sure you are not experimenting with a 1 RM this week, make sure you can do 2 reps each time.

We are starting with Ring Dips this week as out next goal is to go back to the Muscle up practise


  • MONDAY -[SWEAT & GRIND] Cleans in a metcon of running and Pull-ups

  • TUESDAY -[BUILD & GRIND] Push Press followed by Snatches and Sit Ups

  • WEDNESDAY [SWEAT & SPRINT] Long sweaty WOD with ring dips and slamballs

  • THURSDAY [BUILD & GRIND] Heavy 2 resp front squat followed by lunges

  • FRIDAY -[BUILD & SWEAT] Sumo Deadlift followed by rowing and deadlifts

  • SATURDAY -[BENCHMARK] Meet one of the new girls: Ingrid

  • SUNDAY [SWEAT & SPRINT] working on core and glutes today


  • WEDNESDAY & SUNDAY/SATURDAY  [Barbell Club] - As strong as Jay!