This week at the gym!

Ready for next week?

Building the heavyweights

We continue with the Clean, Push Press, Front Squat, and Sumop Deadlift For most of these lifts we drop the reps from 5 to 3 so we can push the weights a bit more. On the lifting days the lifts are the focus of the day, so if you feel tired or if your muscle ache, take it easier in the metcon.

We are considering adding a lifting club session during the week in the mornings, we like your feedback on this and like to know if you would be interested in this.

In the coming week Barbell Club will be on Saturday 8am


  • MONDAY -[SWEAT & GRIND] Sticking to the Clean followed by DB Snatches

  • TUESDAY -[BUILD & GRIND] Continue with the Push Press followed by a nice EMOM

  • WEDNESDAY -[SWEAT & SPRINT] Conditioning day with Box Step Ups, Wallballs and Row / Run

  • THURSDAY [BUILD & GRIND] Front SquatFollowed by a Pull Up Metcon

  • FRIDAY -[BUILD & SWEAT] Sumo Deadlift followed by Thrusters

  • SATURDAY -[BENCHMARK] Tabata Barbell

  • SUNDAY [SWEAT & SPRINT] Sweaty team workout


  • WEDNESDAY & SUNDAY/SATURDAY  [Barbell Club] - As strong as Jay!