This week at the gym!

Ready for next week?

Changes in the Barbell Club Schedule!

Due to changes in our Barbell Coach Jason's personal circumstances, we will be making some changes to the Barbell schedule. This means that two Sundays per month will be shifted to Saturday mornings at 8 a.m. instead. We hope that this means that people who can't make it on Sundays can now try Barbell Club on Saturdays.

Keep an eye on the schedule to see what Saturday morning Barbell club is scheduled to run. With a few exceptions, this will be every other week in general.

The Sunday Barbell Club will start 15min later at 10:15am from now to give the always very busy 9am class a bit more time to clear all away.


  • MONDAY -[BUILD & GRIND] Continuing the Back Squat followed by a metcon with Wallballs, Burpees and Cleans

  • TUESDAY -[SWEAT & SPRIMNT] We start with a Heavy Push Jerk followed by Push-ups, Pull-ups and DB Snatches

  • WEDNESDAY -[BUILD & GRIND] Deadlifts followed by V-Ups, Squats, and Bike

  • THURSDAY -[SWEAT & SPRINT] Cardio Mash

  • FRIDAY - [SWEAT & GRIND] Strict Press followed by Bike, Pull-Ups and Thrusters


  • SUNDAY -[SWEAT & SPRINT] A nice typical Sunday, long Metcon


  • WEDNESDAY & SUNDAY/SATURDAY  [Barbell Club] - As strong as Jay!