This week in the gym!

Continue Strength Training on Monday and Saturday

We are starting a new Strength Cycle for Deadlifts on Tuesdays and we will work on heavy cleans in the coming weeks

Sundays we will have INTERVAL TRAINING


  • MONDAY - [SWEAT&GRIND] A Chippers with HSOU, Back Sqauts, Pull Ups and Box Jumps

  • TUESDAY - [BUILD&GRIND] Week 1 Deadlift followed by KBS and Bike Sprints

  • WEDNESDAY - [SWEAT&SPRINT] An EMOM with slamballs, Russian Twists and DU's

  • THURSDAY -[SWEAT&GRIND] Practising the Snatch followed by Snatches and TTB

  • FRIDAY - [SWEAT&SPRINT] EMOM with Bike, Burpees and Thrusters

  • SATURDAY - [[BENCHMAK] ] MACHO MAN - Following Clean Practise!

  • SUNDAY - [[SWEAT&SPRINT] Interval with Burpees, Thrursters and Bike - it will BURN!


  • WEDNESDAY & SUNDAY [Barbell Club] - As strong as Jay!