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Time to push on: Develop Your Skills

The elegance of CrossFit, Simple & Effective

Okay peeps it is time to push on and bring all the different modalities of CrossFit together. A quick reminder of what is CrossFit?

CrossFit is Functional:

CrossFit will transform the way you think about fitness. It will do this by exposing you to functional movements. Functional movements in the gym are those that replicate movement in real life or sport. For example, nearly every day in life, you bend over and pick something up.

CrossFit is for Everyone:

CrossFit is an effective way to get fit. Anyone can do it. All the movements we do in CrossFit are universal in their ability to improve your performance. The workouts are structured so both beginners and experienced athletes can train safely and effectively. For a beginner we often reduce the total reps, weight, rounds or distance, or eliminate the clock. For more advanced athletes we also provide scaling up options.

CrossFit’s definition of fitness, being functionally capable across a broad array of fitness related skills is of primary importance. These skills include strength, flexibility, endurance, stamina, speed, power, agility, balance, coordination and accuracy. Any athlete from any sport can use CrossFit as a training method, and return to their sport better, faster, and stronger.

Lifting and Gymnastics Skills Don’t Just Happen

There are certain movements that when we see them come up in a workout, we think, “Crap, I wish I had my [insert word here]!” When the WOD is flying by and you see classmates burning through double unders and you are still doing singles, or the single-single-double method, you feel that twinge of envy. You need to dedicate time to developing these skills. Seems obvious, but think about it - how often do you grab a rope and practise your Double Unders when the coach says "Four minutes of cardio, run, row, bike etc?"It’s time to do something about it. Your double unders will not magically appear. Nor will the strength for pull ups, the technique for toes-to-bar, or the completion of muscle ups. You need a plan.

Starting on Tuesday the next phase of the cycle will be bringing a broad array of functional movements together. That means we will be changing some of the workout formats to get more skill work in that will get you going with double unders, kipping pull ups & ring dips and ofcourse (Olympic) lifts. In BOXMATE this will be labelled as Skill of the Day and in class we will spend 5-10minutes on it. You might even put it to practise in the WOD.

The program is focused on broadening your strength base and at same time work on your conditioning. There will be short & sharp workouts but also some classic couplets & chippers. There even might be a visit from a Hero or a Girl!

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This is an absolute classic error which people repeat again and again. There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever to not log your workouts. You can get log your workouts via our web site, download an app for your phone, buy a notebook or write things down on the back of your hand. It doesn’t matter how you do it, just do it!

We use a mobile app to stay in touch with you. In BOXMATE you can find all workouts of the day and Personal Programs. In addition, you can track all your workouts AND book your classes in the same app. Don't have it yet? Download it now, all workouts are published the evening before.