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Together Strong: Your Return-To-Action-Plan

You have a rare opportunity to make some fitness gains and you probably don’t even know it. You have been out of the gym for a while: no progressive overload, less mixed modalities, a different way of resistance training used in HomeFit.

Now you are ready to return to the box pick up that bar again, jump on a bike or rower and use the rig. But don’t ruin this for yourself. Doing too much too soon is a recipe for disaster! Do it the right way and you’ll build up strength and your engine in no time.

The Together Strong Fitness Program

This program will run over the summer. It is important you understand our workouts and how to individualize them to make them work best for you. The workouts will be loaded into SugarWOD. For now, we will have 1 track catering for everyone.

Strength, Metcon and Mixed Workouts

Every week there’s a variety of workouts to give you the opportunity to develop your fitness across a broad range of modalities. In our weekly post “This Week At The Gym” we will tell you what’s on the schedule. You can pick and choose what suits your goals best however we would advise against cherry-picking and avoid doing the things you don’t like!

Depending on how frequently you train you’ll end up with full-body, lower body and/or upper body workout.

Volume & Load

You’ll notice the set, reps and loads are broad in some cases. Often we don’t give load guidance on purpose allowing you to adapt load to your skill. In general volume (number of reps) will be high at low load. The goal is the re-establish movement patterns in a safe way and trigger the growth of your muscles. You might feel sore after your first workout back and that ‘s the result of the stimulation. The repair process will follow so don’t skimp on food or sleep. Also don’t go from 2 workouts a week to 7 a week….. straight away.

Exercise Sequence & Selection

In the strength workouts we are starting of with main lifts often superset with an isolation-style exercise aiming for high rep ranges. If a lift doesn’t feel right modify it until it does. You will have all flexibility to adapt to what you can handle. There will be new movements you have not done before again take your time to get comfortable.

Remember, first consistent mechanics then we increase the intensity!

Couple Of Other Things

  • Find a friend to stay motivated - we are living through crazy times and all dealing with the same obstacles

  •  Work through the soreness - keep on moving, just adjust the intensity/load to how you feel

  • Work through the nerves - some of the workouts might look like a challenge, you will feel great achievement afterward

  • Make it a priority - show up just you show for your job

  • Nutrition / Diet - mid-July we will kick off Change Challenge if you need support to dial- in your nutrition