Fri & Sat Workouts / Hinges & AMRAPs

Your workout for Friday is:

Movement & Skill Drills: Hinge

A) RDL & Land Mine Rows
5 sets of 3 RDL tempo 3110 - barbell only
5 sets of 3-4 Land Mine Rows - barbell only

B) For Quality not For Time:
12 Dead Lifts unbroken - moderate weight
max rep strict press with double KB

Rest 2 min
9 Dead Lifts unbroken - heavier weight
max rep strict press with double KB
Rest 2min
6 Dead Lift unbroken - heavy weight
max rep strict press with double KB

Rest 2 min

3 Dead Lift unbroken - @ 3 RM
max rep strict press with double KB


Your workout for Saturday is:

7 Rounds, each for time of: 

10 Thrusters (42.5/35kg)
10 Pull-ups
400m run

*Rest 3 minutes between rounds



