311016 Space to Sweat / Squats & Toes To Bar
Your workout for today is:
A) Movement & Skill Drills: Squats & Toes To Bar
B) 5 Sets of 8 Bare Foot Sand Bag Squats
You got 12-15min to complete.The focus is on perfect form. Go up in weight after every set until you cannot complete 8 reps. When you fail you go back in weight and complete your sets at that weight
C) AMRAP Conditioning
3 minute AMRAP:
20 Calorie row
30 KB Front Squats
Max rep toes to bar in remaining time
- Rest 2 minutes -
C) 3 minute AMRAP:
20 Toes to bar
30 Calorie row
Max rep Front Squats in remaining time
- Rest 2 minutes -
D) 3 minute AMRAP:
20 Front Squats
30 Toes to bar
Max calorie row in remaining time
You chose load & scale that allows you to work full out for 3minutes. Your scores are Max rep TTB, Max rep FSQ and Max Cal
ChalkBox is a CrossFit gym located in Sevenoaks