Become a better lifter

With Functional fitness, there is an endless number of functional exercises that utilize every area of your body. In order to have a safe workout designed just for you, your limitations, and your goals, it’s important to have a professional that knows how to move inside and out. Overdoing it and injury must be avoided. We know how hard it can be sometimes to rein yourself in once you get started! On the flip side, it can also be hard to push yourself to the next level; having a trained professional to encourage you will lead to better results. And if you’ve never had a fitness routine before, it’s extremely important to start with a personal trainer to have a safe, results-driven plan.

Many of you have built a good baseline of fitness and have done most of the movements CHALKBOX has to offer. The next step is to master every movement to get more efficient in your fitness and to progress to the next level. We encourage everyone to use a personal trainer every so many months for at least 4 sessions to work on mastering a movement.

Our skilled coaches support everyone in each session we offer, but to get deep into a movement and understand the technique its important to spend some individual time with a coach dedicated to you.

Some people struggle with gymnastic skills, this has often to do with the technique and engaging the correct muscle. 4 weeks of training with a personal trainer on a gymnastic movement with extra homework will bring you much closer to mastering the skill.

We offer 1-2-1 sessions where we program for your individual needs and give you homework to practice. But we also offer 2-2-1, 3-2-1, and 4-2-1 skilled sessions. So if you like to learn how to clean and jerk better, but 3 of your CHALKBOX friends as well, you can share a personal trainer to get you closer to your goals.

Don’t settle for being “ok” at an Olympic lift or a Gymnastic movement. Make sure you master the movement and be the best you can be!

We can help you find others with the same goals so you can share a personal trainer.

For more information sent us an email