CHALKBOX our purpose...

CHALKBOX - not your regular gym

When I started CHALKBOX 5.5 years ago it was mainly driven by passion. 1 out of 5 children in the UK are overweight and even obese and 1 out of 4 adults. My belief is that nobody needs to be obese or even overweight. It’s our lifestyle and the food industry that has driven us in this direction.

My children tell me how they can trade a seat on the school bus for a bag of sweets and some of my friends tell me they drink alcohol almost every evening. Some think their lives are boring without sugar, fast-food or alcohol but they will find out that without this the quality of their life actually goes up.

Am I a Saint and do I never have a glass of wine, a slice of pizza or a bag of sweats? No, I am definitely not. Especially chocolate is something I love to eat. I just try to eat it in a balanced way.

It was passion for the belief that nobody needs to be obese and overweight that had driven me to start CHALKBOX.

So how has this turned to purpose? Purpose is a combination of passion and reason. Or, perhaps, it is passion tempered by reason.

The purpose of CHALKBOX is: “Help people live better lives through fitness”

All coaches who work at CHALKBOX share this purpose. It means we make it our mission to help every person who walks through our doors to become fitter, stronger, and therefore more healthy.

How do we achieve this? We make sure we know all our members. No not just by name. We like to understand their lifestyle, their stress levels, their hobbies, and their fitness level. We set personal goals and we measure their progress on a monthly basis.

My goal is to help every single person in our local community to be fit and healthy no matter what their current fitness level is. We organise monthly FREE OPEN DAYS for anyone to join with the aim to show them that fitness can be FUN.

CHALKBOX is not just your regular gym… It is a community focused on health and fitness. Anyone can be part of this and everyone should be part of it!

I welcome anyone to our gym CHALKBOX and love to introduce you to our skilled coaches who are there to help you achieve your goals.

See you soon!


- owner and founder of CHALKBOX