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CHALKBOX's Virtual Games Night

Are you ready for a games night?!

During the Lock-down we have discovered that CHALKBOX members don’t just like to work on their health and fitness, they all seem to love a quiz night as well! In the last 2 Quiz nights, we had over 60 households calling in!

But its time to spice it up and Mel and her team have gone back to the drawing board to come up with some new entertainment ideas for the CHALKBOX members. So they have come up with GAMES NIGHT!

When? Saturday, May 30th, 7:30 pm

How? We will create teams of 6 people who will compete against each other

You need to book in via Go Team Up so we have got an idea of numbers and call in via the usual link at 7:30pm. If you already have your team, just let Mel know before the 30th

You can bring Alcohol if you like!