Posts tagged crossfit sevenoaks
Goal setting 2022

We like to share a brief summary of management article which applies not only to a corporate environment but also to your fitness life!

The author Heidi Grant, Ph.D. is Senior Scientist at the Neuroleadership Institute, and associate director for the Motivation Science Center at Columbia University. She is the author of the bestselling Nine Things Successful People Do Differently

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Personal Training at CHALKBOX

We offer a wide range of personal workout programs to help you achieve your ideal body. Great for those who have specific goals, need to work around a busy schedule, injuries, or limitations that may require additional attention beyond the normal group setting. A great option for jump-starting your success with your personal health and fitness

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Training with an injury

The key to coming back from an injury should not be a passive approach (sit around and hope for it to get better). Although that being said there are definitely moments where passive modalities can help ease symptoms but if we don’t incorporate the active components then we are missing the overall big picture of returning from injury.

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