Our next challenge!

Jenna's post on our Facebook group a few weeks ago may have caught your attention.

Jenna is known for participating in a variety of FUN sports events, and she has discovered one that will suit us ALL! This will be a FUN event to attend if you train at CHALKBOX. It’s all about functional fitness which is what we are good at..

After participating in the CrossFit Open, you all know how fit you are and how much fun it is to put your fitness to the test in a competitive setting. As a result, we would like to challenge all CHALKERS to participate in this event and have some FUN together!

We're talking about the Mud Monster Run, which will take place on June 5th. We know it seems like a long time away, but we'd like to get you all committed today! We like to prepare as a team, practise together, and ensure that we are all ready for a FUN day.

We've done many Mud Races with the CHALKBOX community in the past, and they've always been the most fun. We can support each other, help each other overcome obstacles, and have a good laugh

Everyone is welcome, CHALKERS and their friends & family!

So let’s do this!

If you like to take part, let us know by emailing: frontdesk@chalkbox.co

Here more details