CHALKBOX re-opening plan


Your coaches have been busy the last weeks with organising a lot of FUN events for you all, to celebrate our return. You will learn more about this in the coming weeks.

Returning gym equipment

On Saturday, March 27th EVERYONE needs to return the gym equipment you have borrowed. You can do this between 11 am and 12 pm and all needs to be signed off by the coaches. In case you really can’t make this time slot, sent us an email to discuss further:

Our Individual Training Plan

In December we introduced you all to our ITP (Individual Training Plan)

What is it?

ITP will be structured as follows:




How can you book in?

  • You can book in for ITP via BoxMate

  • The WOD and Warm-up will be on the whiteboard

  • You can do the WOD or work on any weaknesses at your workout station individually

  • A Coach will be on duty to support you in your movements and answer any questions

  • The duration of the ITP is 1 hour

  • You need to be in- and out within the allocated time frame for your ITP.

  • Before you go to a workout station you need to sign off with the coach on duty who takes the register.

From March 29th we will be using our U|NIQUE outside gym space only. So in case of very bad weather, we will turn to HomeFit sessions instead.

How will you get to the gym?

  • Please wait at the door of the Green Box till a coach comes to get you.

  • Please use the entrance of the Green Box

  • Sanitise your hands when you get to the door

  • Get a cloth and spay and swap them with your belongings in the cupboard. (the green-box door will be locked during your session)

  • Collect ALL material you need for the warm-up and workout (all will be written on the whiteboard), and take them to your work-platform outside.

From April 12th we can use the gym indoors as well.

All usual guidelines still count:

  • Always keep your 2m distance

  • Sanitise hands at the entrance

  • Clean your equipment before putting it back

  • No sharing of equipment

  • Don’t enter your work-platform before your booked time slot starts

TEENS and KIDS news:

  • Classes for Teens and Kids are back on as usual outside

  • All the above guidelines count for our teens and kids as well.

Can’t wait to see you all again Monday 29th!