Nutrition prep for the CF Open - Week 3

After 3 weeks on CF Open Workouts, it’s time to make sure that we recover fast from the intense workouts.

So for our last week of the CF Open, we are focusing on Recovery. Making sure we eat well to recover quickly is extremely important - so we're giving you extra points this week to make sure you replenish your stores after the final workout this week.

If someone in your team takes a snap of their post WOD fuel and Tags on Instagram. Your team will gain extra points in line with the workout score. Whether that’s seconds off your time or Reps added that will be decided once the workout is released (we will confirm Friday what the extra point amount will be).

So watch this space! Your post-workout snack should most definitely include both protein and carbs. Think protein shakes with fruit, a hard-boiled egg, and a banana or tuna and brown rice etc.

Try to eat this snack within 30-45 minutes of completing the workout for maximum benefits! Well done and Good luck everyone

Nutrition Coach Laura