Week 2 of our team challenge

Week two challenge!

Well done to everyone who turned up sporting their team colours this week, we hope you enjoyed week one of the open!

The Question is….. what will week two bring?

We can't tell you what the workout is, but we can tell you what the week two bonus point challenge will be Week two is…… THE SNACK CHALLENGE!!!!!

Here is how it works:

You bring a snack for all the members to enjoy after they've done 22.2 It's totally up to you if you want to go sweet or savoury. If you go for a shop bought snack you will score 3 extra points for your team (or an adjustment in time if WOD is for time) If you make the snack yourself you will score 5 extra points for your team (or an adjustment in time)

There is no limit to how many members per team can bring snacks, or how many dishes one person can bring. Let's make the snack challenge a good one and enjoy a post workout chat with our comrades over snacks and coffee!

Can't wait to see what you guys come up with!

Your Team Captains