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Nutrition prep for the CF Open - Week 1

Each week of the CrossFit open I will be giving you some nutrition advice on how to fuel right for the performance.

Week one we will be focusing on what to eat the day before in order to fuel right for your workout! What you eat the day before will help you perform at your best! No one wants to feel tired, light-headed and unable to perform at their peak on day one!

So we're encouraging you to think about your evening meal the day before the first workout. Aim for a balanced meal made up of whole foods, lean protein, and good fats with a decent amount of colourful veg. Something like a chicken avocado pasta salad.

It’s a quick and easy recipe that ticks all the boxes, use grilled chicken, 1-2 cupped handfuls of cooked brown pasta and then add a good amount of colourful veg including tomatoes, peppers, spring onion, and spinach - add some diced avocado for the good fats. Season to taste. You could also try adding some lemon juice and fresh herbs (thyme works well) for flavour!

Enjoy! Don’t forget to take a snap and tag on Instagram!

Nutrition Coach Laura