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Pull Up Course

Get your first Pull Up

With the festive season fast approaching, many of us will be reflecting on this year and looking forward to the next one. First of all, I’d like you all to take a minute to congratulate yourselves for all of the effort and commitment you’ve put into your fitness journey so far.

But we always want to get better right? So I have a question for you, how many of you would like to see yourself get your first pull up next year? I’m pretty sure there re a lot of you! Getting your chin over that bar for the first time is a huge milestone.

So, here come the good news - we will be running a dedicated pull-up program for six weeks starting in January to kick start you on your journey to getting that first pull up!

How will it work?

Once a week (for six weeks) we will be running a class dedicated to improving your pull-ups! We will work on building pulling strength, lat strength, core strength, shoulder strength, and stability.

We will focus on you as an individual and tailor the program accordingly for your current level. Places will be limited.

This sounds great! How can a maximize on it?

We know how our members love to throw themselves at a challenge so we’ve got you covered with the extracurricular activities! We will give you homework drills to complete outside of the class so that you can make the most out of the six-week focus! These drills will be realistic and achievable.

What can I expect? Will I get my first pull up?

That depends on you as an individual and what your starting point is. Six weeks of work won’t guarantee you get your first pull-up, but don’t let that stop you! The aim of this program is to give you all of the tools you need to get there in your own time. Consistency is the key to achieving your goals, we’ll give you the tools you need, the time to work on your skills and if you keep putting in the work you’ll get there! Try not to worry about the when!

Am I strong enough to do this program? Is it for me?

Yes! As with all ChalkBox classes, this program is for everyone! We will scale to your ability and build a strong foundation from YOUR starting point.

When will the program run?

The pull-up program will run every Thursday at 11.30 from 9th Jan - 13th Feb

What is the cost of the course?

The Course will be £80 which includes 6 sessions and 6 weeks of homework.

Will it be fun?

This is ChalkBox! Of course, it’ll be fun!

Coach Laura

Get yourselves signed up guys and let’s start smashing those 2020 goals!