This week in the gym!
Our First Week at the New Box!!
Continue Strength Training
Tuesday we continue the Deadlifts and Friday will be Clean and Jerk
MONDAY - [SWEAT&SPRINT] A fun first workout in our new box with Back Squats, Push Ups, Presses, and Rowing
TUESDAY - [BUILD&DRIND] Week 3 of Deadlifts, Followed by DB Deadlifts, DU's and Burpees
WEDNESDAY - [SPRING&GRIND] Start with linking the Pull-Ups, followed by KBS, Bike, Row, Wall Balls, Plank Down, and Up
THURSDAY -[SWEAT&GRIND] Running, Thrusters and Snatches
FRIDAY - [BUILD&GRIND] Clean and Jerk followed by Turkish Get Ups and Rowing
SATURDAY - BENCHMARK] 22.1 in teams of 2
SUNDAY - [SWEAT &SPRINT] Burpees, Devils Press and Air Squats
WEDNESDAY [Barbell Club] - As strong as Jay!