Practise Oly Lifting skills with 3 times British Youth Record Holder

Lifting with Skip CALLARD & practise technique

During the 5 weeks of the CF Open we have added a Skill session on Thursday evening 6:30pm-7:30pm. This session is for any ability whether you are new or seasoned. We don't go heavy, it is skill work. Learn in a relaxed set up from up & coming talent Skip Callard

In this session you will be practising your lifting skills. The aim is not to go heavy (save your strength for the CF Open on Friday / Saturday) but to get some good extra practise in.

You will be coached by Skip who in the video above was in weight category 62kg and went 93/118 to take all three British youth records in the 62kg class!

 Skip has broken multple Britsih records and has been lifting at the IWF Youth World Championships in Thailand. 

Having seen his father lift in big competitions since young, and training alongside the British champs on a daily basis Skip has got an enormous exposure to technique and skill work. It's a great opportunity to learn from one of the best.

Now it's your opportunity to get some extra practise in. Every Thursday 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Book in now!