A message for our Members

Dear CHALKBOX members

We are already 4 weeks in lockdown and it looks like we can expect at least another 3 weeks.

Some of are you working more hours than usual by also working the hours you normally use to travel and your lunch breaks, and some of you might feel bored as most of the “house jobs” are done by now. Then we have the parents who need to home school the kids which can be a very challenging job.

Whatever situation you are in, these are difficult times. CHALKBOX is here to help all members get through their day and stay mentally and physically fit.

So far we offer you

  • HomeFit sessions

  • Mobility session

  • Ab sessions

  • SnackFit session

  • Yoga sessions

  • Teens HomeFit sessions

  • Coffee Mornings

  • Alan’s Running Program

We also add some fun stuff by organizing weekly challenges via our Chalk-It Facebook page and we are looking forward to hosting the Quiz night. Sinead, our nutritionist, has added a 21-day Nutrition Challenge.

We know these times are difficult and stressful and it’s very easy to start your day on the sofa in front of the TV and end up spending all day in this position.

CHALKBOX will keep trying to get you all moving and feeling better for it. Make sure you all call in on a daily basis. Some sessions are very high intensity and some are more strength focus. But we like to remind you all that you can scale all movements and all reps. On the days your feel less motivated and might ache, just take a step back and use the HomeFit session as a nice break in your day and keep the intensity low.

Now more then ever it’s great we have the CHALKBOX community. Together we can tackle this and get through the ups and downs of the Lockdown. If any member feels he/she needs extra support, mentally or physically, do make sure you contact one of your coaches (Alan, Mel, and Agnes) for a chat before or after your session.

Keep checking in and see you in the next session!

Your coaches team.