And the winner is…

Well done to all members that took part in the amended style of the classic bar fight night we do for the CrossFit Open.

With no CF Open this year we wanted to test you all and see what “lockdown 1 gains” you had achieved. We had 5 workouts spread over 5 weeks (1 a week). The workouts included a test on strength, conditioning, explosive power, endurance, and gymnastic skills. Next to the workouts, we had a weekly fun extra challenge set by coach Mel to get some extra points in.

It was amazing to see 20 teams sign up... old members and new. Every team existed out of 2 people.

In the middle of our competition, Lockdown 2 happened but none of you saw this as a game-breaker and you all continued with the same fighting spirit on zoom. All still able to push each other on in your teams.

We loved seeing the parent & child and husband & wife team combos working out together and setting some amazing scores!

For many of you this was your first taste of a competition... how did you like it?

Few mentions we would like to make as there’s only one team that can win however you all stood out for different reasons.

Here’s a few:-

  • Shaun for his Stormtrooper outfit on WOD1: truly epic!

  • Watching Emma White bounce around doing doubles with a tail bopping about.

  • Debbie’s joy after completing WOD2, and absolutely loving it!

  • Helen Neseyif’s epic 4min wall sit hold whilst chilling reading a magazine.

  • Lewis for his epic fail in the wall sit... sorry we shouldn’t laugh but your face at the end was funny!

  • Martin for pushing his boundaries by choosing RX workouts even though he knew he wouldn’t get a good time and because of this PB’d on his HSPU.

  • Ian Simpson for proving to Carol that men can multitask while he whipped up both versions of Pauline’s Recipes.

  • The Teens showing the adults that they are the future of Chalkbox and jumping into the deep end with a tough comp.

  • David McQuire... we saw that run distance! Absolutely EPIC!

  • Dan Foord for getting a PB on his run and pushing his limits till he had no more.

  • Charlotte and Emma... love the teamwork, Especially on the run.

  • Xander and Ryan for being the only team to complete all workouts RX even though Xander did lose a bit of his soul in WOD1.

  • Rebecca Larkham for 30mins of Running, which she despises but did and proved to herself it can be done!

  • And pretty much all of you for surpassing your exceptions on the 30min Run

These are just a few highlights and we’d love to hear yours whilst we recall back the fond memories of Bar Fight Games.

But now, we need to announce the winner... this team was strong from the start and played their joker card perfectly. Old member and new member combined to form an epic team... they were:


..aka Chris Perrin and Clayton Woollgar. Well done Lads.

Second Place: Team RX
Third Place: Follically Challenged