Strength Program, coming up soon!

You’ve been busting your butt in the gym, sticking to your workout routine, and maybe even tracking your workouts, but you just aren’t gaining strength or muscle.

Should you eat more protein?

Should you try “fancy” training methods like rest-pause sets, super sets or “muscle confusion” workouts?

Or, should you just accept that you’ve played your genetic hand as best you could, and now you have to spend the rest of your days in the gym fighting to maintain what you’ve gained?

Chances are good the answer is “no.”

With the right program, you can get stronger.

We are excited to inform you that Alan Price has developed a strength program based on science and movement patterns to get you guaranteed stronger.

How does this work?

You can sign up for the 6 weeks strength program which involves Olympic Lifting.

If you don’t master the Olympic Lifts yet we advise you to book a personal training session with Alan first to go through all to make sure the program will work optimal for you.

You can follow your strength program during the open gym sessions at CHALKBOX or at any other gym for 6 weeks.

Half way the program you can do a check-in with Alan either via a personal training session to check your progress or just via email.

The program has been designed to make anyone stronger and we go so far that you will get your money back if you don’t make progress.

When will we start publishing the program?

Expected launch date is August 17th.


CHALKBOX member: £39.50

Non-member £45,-

Price including 6-week open gym use: £ 89.50

Price incl 1x PT £89.50

Price incl 2x PT £139

As our open gym spaces are limited we will sell a limited amount of the program to start with. If you like to guarantee a piece of this great guaranteed strength pie, you can pre-order by filling out the form below.