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A New CHALKBOX Change Challenge

Three months without the Box hasn’t stopped Isk and myself from training.

So what have we been up to in the last 3 months? We have put together a new training program which we will start as soon as we are open. We have also have played around with our nurtirtion helping to gain strength and look more ripped :)

We are super happy with the results from both the strength gainz and the bodyfat loss and we can’t wait to join us in the gainzzzzz!

What I am doing is cycling my carbs. With carb cycling you try to match the body's need for calories or glucose. For example, it provides carbohydrates around the workout or on intense training days.

The high-carb days are also in place to refuel muscle glycogen, which may improve performance and reduce your muscle breakdown. 

Strategic high-carb periods may also improve the function of the weight- and appetite-regulating hormones leptin and ghrelin 

The low-carb days are reported to switch the body over to a predominantly fat-based energy system, which may improve metabolic flexibility and the body's ability to burn fat as fuel in the long-term

Another big component of carb cycling is the manipulation of insulin 

The low-carb days and targeting of carbs around the workout may improve insulin sensitivity, a vital marker of health 

In theory, this approach will maximize the benefits carbohydrates provide.

So how you can join the program and the diet?

For the Training Program - just follow the CHALKBOX sessions

For the diet, you can sign up for a 6-week challenge starting on July 13th till August 23rd

What will the diet challenge include?

It will be a carb cycle diet that will work around your workouts. We will calculate your macros which you need to stick to for 6 weeks and in combination with the training program (preferable 5 days a week), you will get the best results.

What does it include?

  • 6-week diet plan

  • closed Facebook group for questions and sharing

  • before and after body fat and muscle measurement

  • price: £30,-