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Gym Policy from Monday 12th of April

COVID-19, we are on top of it!

Rest assured that keeping our community safe and healthy is our top priority. We have made the following changes in the gym to protect everyone and make this a safe environment for all.

From Monday, April 12th we are allowed to use the gym indoors again. So we have the option to go back inside. Your coaches have decided though, after speaking to many of you, to be outside at our Unique Open Air Gym Area as much as possible.

So if the weather is on our side we will be using the outside gym like we have been doing since March 29th. In the coming week, we will be setting up a rain and sun cover on top of the outside gym matting, so our outside gym will be even better for use.

In case of heavy rain or if it’s too dark to train outside we can use the Blue and Green box. In that case, we will have an ITP program set up till May 17th.

We have decided no longer to use the screens indoors to create a good airflow. While training indoors all 4 doors must open at all times.

How will it all work?

  • On your arrival, you come to the front entrance.

  • Wait for your coach to let you in.

  • We can have no more than 12 people indoors at any time

  • Sanitise your hands, get your equipment and go to your workout platform (your coach will inform you whether this is in- or outdoors)

  • After your session clean all equipment with the cloth and spray provided to you

  • When you leave, leave via the back of the gym

  • Keep a 2m Social distance at all times

What we will do to keep all safe:

  • we have doubled the cleaners hours and coaches are focused on cleaning every item touched between classes

  • there is a cleaning station with Dettol Disinfectant Liquid sprays. Use the cloths for the equipment & mop for the floor.

  • before your session, everyone who walks through the door needs to sanitise their hands first, please follow the instructions of your coaches team

  • We have 2 sanitise stations: at the entrance and at the equipment

  • after your session, all used equipment needs to be cleaned including rowers, yoga mats, and pull up bars (everything the hands touches), many hands make light work!

  • our gym is well stocked hence try to avoid sharing equipment as much as possible

  • shirts need to be worn at all time, goes for boys & girls

  • cover cuts, blisters, and open wounds, we got a first aid kit for last-minute treatment

  • the entrance doors stay open at all time, for fresh air to circulate & minimise contact points

  • stay home for at least 7 days when you have a cough or temperature

  • if you have tested positive you can’t use the gym for at least 10 days

  • we offer a HomeFit program if you can’t attend our sessions

Together we can keep our community safe and stay active to still be able to work on our health