More Yoga for Sports sessions!
A new class on the schedule
We noticed the Yoga for Sports sessions with Christine are popular. Therefore we will add an extra session to the schedule from Sundays 9am.
A yoga class is more than just a mobility session - the practice of yoga asana (the postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises) aims to gently bring you into a parasympathetic state (see above), thus promoting recovery. Furthermore, you will:
Improve proprioception (i.e. joint position and motion in space)
Develop an awareness of what it means to move well and within a healthy range of motion for your body, and how to work with restrictions and compensatory patterns
Prevent injury
Learn to breathe mindfully and practice different techniques, including abdominal breathing, which you can then apply in your sport
Every Wednesday 7:45pm - live stream sessions -
Every Sunday 9am - live stream sessions - starting May 3rd
For all CHALKBOX members