Love the body you live in

Are you scared of being judged or stared at in the gym?

Don’t worry, you are not the only one. Too often we get emails from people, who need to change their bodyfat to become healthy and feel happier in their body, saying they like to join a gym but the step of coming through the door is too daunting.

These remarks make me sad, as it’s for people who really need it, I started CHALKBOX. At CHALKBOX we offer exercise for any level and any person no matter your age or size. But I do understand it can be difficult to walk through our doors and be surrounded by people who might be very fit and are months, maybe years ahead of where you like to be.

So we now offer sessions where you don’t need to step through the doors of a gym but can work on your fitness and health at home from anywhere in the world.

How does it work?

  • we discuss via phone or live-stream your goals

  • we offer group sessions or 1-2-1 sessions via a live-stream

  • you will join 2 live-stream sessions (group or 1-2-1) a week

  • you get 2 extra workouts per week to do on your own at home

  • all sessions are coached and altered to your personal level

  • we have monthly check-ins via phone or live-stream to discuss your progress, nutrition and anything else you like to discuss

So no more excuses to not start with exercising.

Love the body you live in!

Arrange a call back to discuss your options